Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Minority Over Majority

It is official. The time for change has come. Obama is America's 44th President. And for the icing on the cake, he will also be the first black US president ever!

Picture courtesy of flickr

It has been such a long ride. First it was the neck to neck battle with Clinton. Then came the Obama vs McCain thingamajig and now, everything is over and boy, what a sweet victory! I am probably the last person you should ever talk to about politics but i have been waiting for this day when i first found out that he's running for presidency.

I live in a country where as much as some would like to think is very harmonious, we are far from it. Try being a minority here and you will know what it feels like. So i am very happy to see that Obama has triumphed and i have to give credit to the Americans for finally stepping out of their comfy zone to make a change.

I believe that this man will give America better days. I believe that this man truly understands his people. I believe that this man will not cast the minorities aside but give them all the benefits as are given to the majorities.

But as much as i (and most of America) heart him, i guess it's now time to see if he can walk the talk...

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