Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Well, What Do We Have Here?

This news has been circulating for a while now but I never knew of its existence until yesterday.

Hang Tuah, the legendary Malay warrior most of us learnt about at school is not a Malay. He is a Chinese. Google it.

Take that you selfish, egoistical fucks (read: those who think it is okay to disgrace other minority religions and at the same time, bring bad name to the rest of the people of their own race).

Apparently, textbooks from 1999 onwards do not include tales of this legendary man. Well, what better way to protect the false pride and lie that they have been living in than to banish any mention of it in books. Seriously, what is wrong with some people in this country?

When a Japanese friend told me that they do not learn about the torturous Japanese occupation our greatgrandparents had to go through (because any info of the incident is not included in their school books) I actually thought she was kidding. She honestly, does not know much about the pain inflicted by the then-notorious Japanese army.

Well, I guess I know now shit like these really do happen.

Happy Merdeka? Hardy har har.

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