Saturday, December 5, 2009


Yesterday was an awesome day because...

...I woke up from a nice dream about that fella who shall remain unnamed.

...Lu Yi (representing her client) dropped by my office with Starbucks for everyone. That girl is so ter rer, she's her own boss now. And she's only my age! Respect!

...I was not sleepy during colour-sep yesterday. Must be the two coffees i downed earlier. And i was so awake and at peace (must be the Christmas spirit) that i even found time to do something i haven't done in a long time, and can only do when i'm really calm - draw!

...after so many delays, I finally got to buy my parents dinner! One of the many things in my grown up to-do list can now be crossed off. I feel accomplished. They've spent so much on me and so little on themselves so now i want them to enjoy themselves.

...mum gave me money to buy that self-learn language CD i want as a birthday gift! Speaking of gifts, i want to hug Ren, Joyce and Louanne so tight until they cannot breathe. Thanks for the presents (i am loving the bags!) and for having dinner with me!

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