On this day, i learnt a few things.
I learnt that Red Box is no fun. You are made to endure the MTV channel for a minute or so after every song. What a waste of time. And though most of their songs come with the original music video, they don't have lyrics. Now, what the heck is the point of going to a karaoke when you have no lyrics to sing along to? Geez. I'll take Neway anyday!
I learnt that there are people in this world who don't know the Beauty and the Beast song! Oh what horror! I also realised that you should not judge a person's music taste by their age. Andrew may be 14 but he is very familiar with Elvis Presley's numbers - songs that are so old school even i don't know about them!

I learnt that Jai Ho is the new Macarena. There are no standard moves. When you hear the song, all you have to do is stand up, pretend to turn a lightbulb above you, put your palm flat out and pretend to ask for money, and in Edaline's case, hold on to an imaginary motorcycle handlebar?

And finally, i learnt that my family is partially crazy (in a good way of course) and that's why i love them to pieces. Hmmm, maybe we can try sky diving on our next Cousins' Day Out?

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