Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lady Luck Went On A Holiday

If you cursed me yesterday, then good on ya because it worked...

I had a phone interview at Mid Valley at 5pm, which meant that i would be able to get home earlier than expected. Since i hardly get the opportunity to dine with my parents on weekdays, i thought i'd seize the free time and do so. I even gave up an opportunity to attend a makeup-brand's focus group and snag goodies!

So while on my way home, i called Mom, who was working late at the office. Nobody answered. Thirty calls later and still the same. Thinking that she might have gone home, i dialed home only to hear Dad telling me that Mom's still not back.

I arrived at the train station and tried reaching Mom again. Nothing. She was supposed to pick me up. I contacted Dad who then told me to catch a cab to Mom's office. He said, "Maybe something happened to her phone cord". I couldn't help but think, "Maybe she passed out and nobody knew. Maybe she locked herself in the toilet".

There i was at her office area. Almost all the offices were already closed for the day and the worst part, since all the offices looked the same closed, i had no idea which was mom's office! I saw one with a partially opened grill and started banging on the door. No one. Then i called Dad to ask which was Mom's office. Halfway through, my phone died. Great.

I tried standing by the road, looking up at the offices and shouting for Mom. No response. Tried looking for a public phone but of course, the darn area didn't have a public phone in sight! Ended up having to borrow a stranger's phone! I think i must have scared Dad a bit because he was like, "Wait there. I'll come". So poor Dad walked all the way from my place to Mom's office (which was not really all that near).

While waiting for Dad in that quiet area (it was getting dark too!), i saw a lady and asked her if she knew where ABC office was. Turned out, the woman could only speak Mandarin and i had no idea how to explain in that language. Then i started walking to the other end of the row and what do you know, i saw the door to my Mom's office. It was open. I just didn't notice it earlier. Plus, plastered on the door was the name of my Mom's office, in massive fonts too mind you. What the heck lah.

So i knocked really loudly on the door and there was Mom. Finally. Turned out, the phone cord somehow got loose, which explained why Mom didn't pick up my calls - the phone didn't even ring! Then after a while, Dad finally reached. Poor Dad. I made him walk all the way for nothing.

And the worst part of the day was, it was really nobody's mistake. The whole drama started because the stupid phone cord got loose, so i didn't have an outlet to unleash my irritation on. Ergh.

So much for wanting to get home early and enjoy a stressless dinner. Should have just went with the darn makeup thing.

1 comment:

mabel spy said...

oh my super dramatic day right!
lucky nothing happened...