E = Easily annoyed
A = Animal-lover
What is in a name? Well, according to the Urban Dictionary, a lot.
Did you know that Lea means "a girl who makes the guys go crazy with her charm and sex appeal. She flirts extremely with them but never ends up hooking up unless she is in a relationship"? I have no idea where they got that from but yeah, i'd take that.
And thank God my parents didn't go with Leah instead because this name means "a girl who ends up in bed with every guy". Who knew that one little 'h' could make so much difference? It could turn one from a sex bomb to a whore.
Then there are also these:
"A lesbian who attacks straight women in hopes of turning them gay." - The person who wrote this definition obviously hasn't met me.
"A Singaporean loser. Likes to seek for attention." - Boy am i glad i ain't a Singaporean!
"Lea is a talker and a do-er. A problem-solver and a dreamer. Captivating and quirky. Late for everything but worth waiting for. Dedicated but never completely satisfied with the end result." - A dreamer? Heck yes. Quirky? Well, i may dress a little weird sometimes. Late for everything? Kepala otak engkau.
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