For as long as i can remember, i've had grossly short fingernails since primary school because i bite my nails. Unlike my friends, I never had to worry about surprise nail checks at school because they were always short anyway. My grandma used to remind me about the amount of germs i was putting into my mouth because of my habit. She once even said that she would rub chili on my fingers to stop me from biting em. I've tried painting them with clear nail polish but it didn't work. I would bite them anyway.
Then the habit took another odd turn. I could only bite my nails as far as my teeth could go. So i found another way that allowed my nails to go even shorter. Pen-knife! (Shock! Horror! Gasp!) Biting my nails till they bleed a little was not out of the ordinary too. (Geez, i'm making myself sound like a freak!) Then i stopped with the knife and improved a little. This time, it was the nail clipper. Hey, at least i was not getting the germs into my mouth!
Then somehow, the habit kinda stopped in January. Prolly because i was so busy working both at the office and at home that i simply didn't have time to reach for the nail clipper. So i decided to paint my nails and what do you know? I was too vain to spoil the paint and decided to cut back on my nail-cutting habit. As the nails grew longer, i got more excited because i could finally see the yellow part of the nail (the part that you trim off) after sooo many years!
I tried removing my nail polish a few times because i wanted to give my nails a breather but each time that i removed all nail polish, i would end up biting one fingernail. Damn, this must be what addicts feel like. It's so difficult to control! So i've had my nails painted again...and i'm guessing they will remain so for a while until my 'addiction' leaves me alone.
Yay for normal nails! Makes washing my hair and scratching my scalp oh-so-syiok!
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