Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Notes From Work

Crazy deadlines and additional responsibilities aside, here is a collection of the little doses of happiness that my job has brought me thus far:


It was a mini carnival at the headquarters. Clothes from past productions were going for RM5 a piece! I'm guessing the past productions included wacky game shows, concerts and 80s-themed series. There were neon coloured leotards, super sparkly jackets and clothes that looked like they jumped out of my Mom's very, very, very old closet. I'm sure there were gems hidden somewhere amongst those racks. I just don't have the patience to uncover them.


I love cartoon events. Popcorn, whoopie cushion, stickers and yours truly won a Toys"R"Us voucher! This one was held at a kids' gym and because of that, the chairs came in mini-size too. Those of us who entered the screening room first headed straight for the only two 'normal-sized' couches available. As cute and colourful as the tiny chairs were, the thought of me potentially breaking a chair's leg and landing on my behind in full view of the media is not cute.

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A hotel celebrated its 5th anniversary and sent an invitation in a cute 555 booklet (very creative move). There were oysters stuffed into test tubes and to be taken with a shot of cocktail. There were vodka shots with caviar. Then there was an awesome cone-shaped tree where strawberries, candies, chocolate bars and pastries were glued on with melted chocolate. You simply plucked whatever you wanted off the 'tree' and indulge. GENIUS!

More indulgence followed when Polly and i were invited to a casual lunch with Hidden Cities' (on HISTORY, Ch555) star Anthony Morse. I expected a large setting filled with media, where the best one could get was a five-minute chat with Morse. Instead, all there was was a table for 15. There was no air of arrogance about that man and it doesn't hurt that he's a looker too! Pictures, honestly, do him no justice. At one point, Polly was so fascinated by his biceps that she went up to him, asked "May I?" and lightly felt his biceps!


Say hello to Ballsy (on the left) and his no-name neighbour! A colleague went to New Zealand recently and returned with fridge magnets for each of us. So now, i have a dark brown, cute, fluffy kiwi chilling on my desktop's CPU, alongside a mini wooden surfboard, Amazing Race magnets, a calendar, a name tag and a fridge magnet of a generic Vietnamese girl that i initially thought was a figurine of a freaky cult idol.


Had some time to kill while waiting for the office's awesome driver, who volunteered to drop Ee Laine and I off at the stadium for the Chelsea vs. Malaysia friendly match. Except for a slight colour difference of the face and body, i'd say it looks pretty real! When showed to a friend, she really thought it was me chopping vegetables...though she did wonder why my arms were leaning towards the manly side.

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